Dr. Vinod K. Sharma

Dr. Vinod K. Sharma, Professor

Dr. Vinod K. Sharma

Prof V.K. Sharma is currently Senior Professor, Disaster Management/Consultant at Indian Institute of Public Administration, and Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of Sikkim. He is member of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Govt. of India STIP-2020 (TG- Capacity Building).

Ph.D (1971)
Ecology and Environment 
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India 

P.G. Diploma (1970)
Resources Ecology
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India



  1. Member, Editorial Team, Resource Book on Disaster Management (LBSNAA, Mussoorie)
  2. Member, Advisory Board of Journal ’Disaster Response and Management’ ISSN No.2347-2553, LBSNAA Mussoorie
  3. Member, Editorial Board, NIU International Journal on Human Rights
  4. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Plant Development Science, ISSN:0974-6382 , published by National Academy of Agricultural Science
  5. Advisory Committee of State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Haryana (2008)


 National Committee on Disaster Management Chaired by Mr. Sharad Panwar


High Powered Committee on Disaster Management chaired by Shri J C Pant


Committee on Alaknanda Floods

Chief of Party
Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)- USAID Funded programme for Six Asian Countries.
Founder Coordinator
National Centre for Disaster Management
Disaster Management at National Centre for Disaster Management, IIPA, New Delhi
Associate Professor (1985-1990)
Ecology and Environment, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya
Visiting Faculty/ Assistant Professor (1978-1982)
Ecology and Environment Sulaimaniyah University and Salahadeen University, Iraq
Consultant (1978-1982 Summer)
Forest Productivity, Delaware State College, Dover, Delaware University, USA
Visiting Professor
Kyoto University, Japan

 Ongoing Research

  1. Documentation of COVID 19 (Oct 2020)
  2. Blended Capacity Building Programme for Stakeholders of River Ganga under the Namami Ganga Programme (July 2020)
  3. Assessment of capacities and training needs of key stakeholders and to develop framework to enhance capacities of key stakeholders to implement effective long-term biodiversity conservation for SECURE Himalayan Project Landscapes in Districts in Sikkim"  (Dec 2018)
  4. Capacity Building Strategies for Managing Complex Disasters in the face of Climate Change (March 2017)
  5. Climate Smart Governance (March 2017)

Completed Research

  1. Thirty Party Evaluation of Central Sector Scheme Other Disaster Management Scheme (ODMS) (July 2020)


Recent Research Articles

  1. Chapter-Towards a resilient Asia Pacific Region by Vinod Sharma, Helen James, Rajib Shaw and Anna Lukasiewicz
  2. Chapter- Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience: Practices and Challenges in AsiaPacific by Rajib Shaw, Helen James, Vinod Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz
  3. Chapter- Use of Scientific Knowledge and Public Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction and Response in the state of Sikkim, India by Vinod K. Sharma

Papers Accepted for Publication

  1. Challenges in Disaster Management for Building Resilience in Hill Areas- A Case study of Sikkim (Special Issue on Disaster Management in India) in the Journal of Governance

Recent Books and Handbook

  1. Singh, S., Jain, A. and Sharma, V., 2019. Solid Waste Management: Compendium of Case Studies.
  2. Shyamli Singh and Vinod K. Sharma, A handbook on Managing Complex Disasters in the face of Climate Change
  3. Sharma, V. K. (2004). Sustainable Rural Development for Disaster Mitigation. Concept Publishing Company.
  4. Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia ed. Helen James, Rajib Shaw, Vinod K. Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz (under printing)


Indian Institute of Public Administration
I P Estate, Ring Road, ITO
New Delhi-110002
Tel. +91-11-23468324
Fax.(O) +91-11-23702440+91-11-23356528

Email: vksharma@iipa[dot]education


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